Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chocolate Custard

Happiness is in a bowl of chocolate

Recently, Curry Spice's wonderful blog was featured in the Grazia magazine, in a feature on food bloggers! Like I said on my other blog, following a bunch of blogs has created a sort of inner circle for me. And being a part of this little blogosphere is a bit like knowing a group of people and having something in common with each of the authors. Despite the fact that you have probably never met so many of them, you cant help but feel a connection. Perhaps because of the common interests, passions, quirks and even writing styles. Its but natural to share in another's happiness and moment of glory. So when I read about it on her blog, I was truly happy for her, and to see that a blog I follow and frequently look up is going places. In that very same article, Curry Spice lists some of the top food blogs and their authors featured in the article. Thats how I stumbled on Anushruti's blog: Divine Taste!

I was randomly surfing through the pages of her blog, and I recognized several recipes that are close to/exactly like the kind of food/cuisine I have back home. Radish Huli, Beetroot Sasive, Tambli! Tempted and lured on, I ventured deeper, and suddenly found this truly divine sounding recipe for an eggless Chocolate Custard. Whats better: it looked easy, uncomplicated, hassle-free and most importantly, I had everything I needed.

I used her recipe down to the T, so Im not going to pen it down here since Anushruti has done that in the most organized fashion (refer link above). But I did enjoy the process, so here are snapshots of my version of Anushruti's Chocolate Custard.
Milk, cream, cant go wrong.

This is what happens when you try and make your custard and shoot it too. Next time, Im going to force the husband to stick around.

Clearly, I could do with a lit bit of finesse in the kitchen. But at least spill-overs like that make good pictures. And present opportunities to lick the sides of the bowl too.



  1. Fantastic photos. Tempting me to try to make a dessert again after years. Looks like a mousse to me

  2. Jyotika has a really good mousse recipe on her blog. Im dying to try that one out.

    Oh and thanks for the comment :)

  3. awesome awesome
    love the photos ! i love food blogs with lots of pictures, step by step. :D

  4. You have done such a beautiful job here. Thank you for taking me back to my old classic recipe.

  5. Hey thanks for the mention. I completely agree with you on how blogging has created a circle of friends - like minded people. Feeling special. Thanks.
